If you don’t have time for an hour-long break in your workday, a series of ‘microbreaks’ can also have a powerful effect on your body and your mind.

There’s a scene in the classic sitcom The Office, where David Brent – the ultimate boss, with zero self-awareness – is doing some motivational speaking. “Laughter is the best medicine,” he says, explaining to his staff that it reduces stress and that he likes to do it several times during the working day. He demonstrates the technique by bursting into a solo manic cackle; though it only lasts about 30 seconds, it seems to go on forever. The whole room stares back in lethal silence.

It turns out that, for once, Brent may have been onto something. He was inadvertently describing what experts call a “microbreak” – any brief activity that helps to break up the monotony of physically or mentally draining tasks. They can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes and involve anything from making a cup of tea to stretching or watching a music video.

Though the breaks are tiny, they can have a disproportionately powerful impact – studies have shown that they can improve workers’ ability to concentrate, change the way they see their jobs, and even help them avoid the typical injuries that people get when they’re tied to their desks all day.
尽管休息很少,但它们可能会产生不成比例的强大影响 - 研究表明,它们可以提高工人集中注意力的能力,改变他们看待工作的方式,甚至可以帮助他们避免人们在工作时受到的典型伤害整天绑在他们的办公桌上。

Since there’s no consensus on how long the ideal microbreak should last or how often you should have them, it’s up to workers to experiment with what works best for them. In fact, if you regularly lean back to talk to the person next to you or sneak a look at your phone, it’s possible that you’re a master of the technique already. According to Sooyeol Kim, a doctoral student from the University of Illinois and expert on microbreaks, there are only two rules: they should be short and voluntary.
由于对于理想的“微缩”应该持续多长时间或者你应该多久使用它们没有达成共识,因此工人可以尝试最适合它们的方法。事实上,如果你经常回头跟你旁边的人说话或偷看你的手机,你可能已经掌握了这项技能。根据伊利诺伊大学博士生和微生物专家Sooyeol Kim的说法,只有两条规则:它们应该简短且自愿。

Kim sees the breaks as a way to cope with the fact that most people spend the majority of their day at work. “But in reality our only official break is usually just lunch – though some companies provide a tea-time or half-time break, which is 10 or 15 minutes.”

There are now mountains of evidence to suggest that they can be beneficial – reducing stress, keeping workers engaged and making work more enjoyable.

Between 2017 and 2018 there were 469,000 workers in the UK suffering from musculoskeletal injuries acquired because of their jobs. According to Zaheer Osman, the founder and director of ergonomics consultancy Adept Ergonomics, most people don’t notice that they’re damaging themselves until they’re in pain – by which point it’s already too late.

The minuscule breaks are thought to help us to cope with long periods at our desks by taking the strain off certain body structures – such as the neck – that we’re using all day. “The important thing is that they are taken regularly,” says Metters. It should go without saying, but if you’re getting into microbreaks to give your body – rather than your brain – a rest, watching music videos won’t do the trick – it’s best to do something physical like standing up or changing position.